Women Educational Migrants Return to Nepal and Their Role in Transforming Society ‘Gharki Le Ghar Garnu, Marda Le Chari Khanu’
This Nepali proverb asserts that women need to involve in household activities as their livelihood but male need to migrate here and there for survival. It focuses on the traditional dimension of migration. In past days there was domination of patriarchal culture in Nepal. A strong patriarchal feeling is ingrained in members of Nepalese society, which undermines structural poverty, discrimination against women in the public and private sectors and various forms of violence against women (Mark W, 2010). This paper highlights the returns aspects of the migrant’s women. To see the return aspects it has focused on women role in transforming society and their participation in politics. It especially focuses on the practices happening in a way of negotiating the learned behavior and existing practices in the society.
This paper attempts to show the experiences of migrant women in the host country and their involvement in the various development activities in home countries after having higher education in abroad. Taking gender as a main analytical approach, it tries to bring the things that are brought by female educational migrants in Nepal. By observing their engagement it will try to see their role and its linkage in transforming society.
This research is based on qualitative approach. The returnee women who have completed their higher education and settled in Nepal are taken interview. In this process the in-depth interview is conducted from the participants. The location of the interview is Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. It is selected because the access of getting returnee women in Kathmandu is higher.