The 2015 Earthquake in Nepal severely destroyed the tangible and intangible culture of the communities, including educational infrastructures. In its initial and official assessment, Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA), government estimated that the total damages and losses were NPR 31.3 billion. The estimated damage of educational infrastructures and assets alone was NPR 28 billion. Its losses were valued at NPR 3.2 billion. Out of the total damages and losses the share of public schools was 92 percent. Recently, Nepal Reconstruction Authority (NRA) has entered its third year, but NRA had mandate to finance and reorganize school education since its early days. It is, however, less clear how and whether the school education has been revitalized as envisioned in PDNA and in subsequent recovery plans and programs. This paper analyses how school education and its infrastructure has been reorganized, if any, during the time of crisis and reconstruction phase? In the process of reorganizing school education in what capacity local actors were influential and decisive? While examining educational reorganization and local participation, this paper further explores, the forms of resource generation and labor mobilizations, the dynamics of local politics, and community relationships. It does so, by drawing on my ethnographic fieldwork during 2015-2016 in Haku, Rasuwa. The paper engages with the idea of ‘resources’ and offers a critique to its conventional notion looking at educational reorganization and rebuilding processes.