State-Society Relationships After Nepal’s 2015 Earthquakes
This paper discusses the broader impacts of the post-2015 earthquake responses on the state society relationships during relief, recovery and reconstruction phases. Drawing on the argument by Anthony Oliver-Smith (1996), that disaster affects fundamental features and grammar of earthquake-affected societies in several ways, this paper seeks to illustrate the impacts of the post-earthquake responses by the state and external actors and institutions in Nepal, and explore whether and how the responses have shaped the state-society relationships over the long-term. Also, it considers how the responses, or lack thereof, created conditions for new opportunities and battles in the larger society as Edward Simpson (2013) has argued, and considers what we can now see are the tentative outcomes. This paper is prepared based on information collected through semi structured interviews, focus group discussion and observation, during four different stages post-earthquake in a research site of Sindhupalchowk district.